Then the June birthdays had to be attended to. To start the first week of June we have Rick, Isaac, Mike and myself. So.....after all of that, I finally got out to the garden. Where everyone in the garden began to scream at me. The onions were actually laying on their sides screaming, "the slugs did it!" The artichokes shouted, "These weeds will be the death of us!" Lettuces in turn cried "Cut this plum branch..we need more sun!" And last but not least the potatoes pleaded to be hilled.
And then I turned to the strawberries to hear their complaint. I was stunned. My mouth began to water and I was torn. My work ethic says you must do the work to reap the rewards. But the berries kept calling, "Jackie...can't you see the birds just waiting. Please don't leave us for the birds!" So I turned to my garden and said, "Okay, I have heard you all. I just need to go in the house and set my priorites. I will be right back!"
When I returned with pan in hand, I hilled the potatoes, put slug bait on the onions, weeded the artichokes, watered the lettuces and explained to them that the branch would come off tomorrow. Then I turned to the strawberries.The birds had waited....the strawberries plants were upright in anticipation and.....The picking was the best ever!!