Winter was busy…….no time for blogging. Time only for putting the garden to bed, finishing up the last ends of canning and beginning the season of gift making. Then on to baking and eating, baking and eating and baking and eating. In between I worked on some ongoing genealogy projects. And now as March approaches I find myself five pounds heavier and extremely lazy.
But with the proverbial February false spring, I have begun to venture outside and check the garden’s status. The garden has survived quite well. My garlic is coming along nicely. (Labeled clearly, I might add). Strawberries are coming up, and the pea bed looks nearly ready to go.
My seeds arrived last week from the seed company and my onions arrived today. I am so excited to get going! I’m sorry to say I missed the Great American Bird Count in February. It fell on Valentine’ s Day which was a Sunday and all the family was here for dinner. So next year I promise to count and I promise to let you know ahead of time.

Today the pond called for clean up. All the accumulated leaves and the overgrown shrub near the in-flow needed to be trimmed. My best friend and husband Rick put on his fishing waders and climbed into the pond to get the winter leaves and trim the shrubs. It was fun to watch the fish swim around his legs. I was surprised to see that we now have seven fish! Even after the great Heron scare!
Hope you all had a comfy warm winter. You’ll be hearing more from me as the ground thaws.
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